

Should we open up schools for parents?

The education of parents needs to go hand-in-hand with the education of their children. They were all nodding their heads…

Fiddling with figures while the Earth burns

If you want to get some idea of what much of the Earth might look like in 50 years’ time…

Colloidal Silver: a necessity for both good and bad times

You have food reserves to get you through an emergency. Some water. Probably some gold or silver. Maybe some defense…

Swimming with dolphins at Ponta do Ouro

I found the “Save Our Seas” and “Fishing For Fun” articles in Issue 1 of Biophile particularly intersting, as I…

The Dream of Creativeness

I have a dream, to coin a phrase. It is that human creativeness will become the agreed objective of political…

GEM: the Global Ecovillage Movement

Imagine if you will, a village where people of all ages live together in harmony. Where diversity is celebrated and…

The nuclear industry: money-hungry swindlers

South Africa ’s nuclear industry is known for its dirty tricks, the least of which was keeping an atomic bomb…

Thre Great Awakening

The consciousness of this earth is currently undergoing a revolutionary change. It is a renaissance, an enlightenment, an awakening like…

Say “No!” to animals in pet shops

Say NO to Animals in Pet Shops is a campaign originally founded in Australia by June Bird (of Adam and…

World Bank accused of razing Congo forests

The World Bank encouraged foreign companies to destructively log the world’s second largest forest, endangering the lives of thousands of…