
Issue 16

Petrochemicals in the Mix

Petrochemicals have become nearly ubiquitous in creams and lotions over the last fifty years. Mineral oil forms the base of…

Khula Dhamma Ecovillage

The name “Khula Dhamma” consists of the Xhosa word “khula”, which means “to grow” and the ancient Eastern word of…

Welcoming Winter: Ayurvedic Tips and Recipes

You should take care of your body during this period, because the change of climate may cause problems with your…

To the Bush with Carnivores

THE PLACE: Central Kalahari Game Reserve, Botswana THE PLAN: To find out which, if any, Bushman/San communities have taken the…

Eden Campus Newsletter One

The most exciting event in the Eden Campus calendar was the launch of our very own student businesses. These businesses…

Horses: reconnecting humanity with a human consciousness

It was very hot that day in May, and I was sitting under some mesquite trees in Tucson, Arizona. I…

The Magic of Findhorn

“So what do you think Findhorn is really about? Why is it here?” I turn towards the woman asking the…

What’s Your Headache?

There are headaches and then there are headaches. Some are mild and disappear after a while; others only subside after…

Colloidal Silver: a necessity for both good and bad times

You have food reserves to get you through an emergency. Some water. Probably some gold or silver. Maybe some defense…

GEM: the Global Ecovillage Movement

Imagine if you will, a village where people of all ages live together in harmony. Where diversity is celebrated and…