The Greenest Cities in the World

The Greenest Cities in the World

Air pollution, noise pollution, CO2 emissions, absence of green corners… There was a time when the cities developed without taking into account these variables that accentuate the discomfort of the citizens. Cities are now designed to improve the lives of their inhabitants, promote sustainability and making the best use of Natural Resources. How? Leaving more space for parks and green areas, minimizing the energy consumption of buildings or improving the use of means of transport that reduce emissions of harmful gases into the atmosphere. Here you can see some of the cities that most respect the environment and contribute to the conservation of the environment.

  1. Copenhagen, Denmark

The Danish capital is often the first on the world’s most sustainable urban lists. For example, in Copenhagen, the infrastructure network for cyclists is so powerful that more than half of its inhabitants travel by bicycle. So much so that the number of velocipedes has already surpassed that of cars. Besides, the city has more than 2,200 green hectares of public access, and the port’s water is so clean and pristine that one can bathe in it as if it were any beach. A few years ago, local authorities decided to take another step and proposed becoming the first carbon-free city in 2025.

  1. Amsterdam, Netherlands

Beyond its famous coffee shops, Amsterdam is known for its canals, but also for its bicycles, which outnumber the inhabitants of what is the capital with the most bikes in the world. Now, in addition, a powerful plan has been put in place to conserve and promote urban gardens, which includes, among other measures, installing 50,000 square meters of green roofs, increasing the number of Nature-Friendly Buildings (to make it easier for birds to nest in them) or improving rainwater collection systems for reuse.

  1. Stockholm, Sweden

Clean and orderly, Stockholm is known to have one of the best public transport systems, not only in Europe but throughout the world. For a few years now, the Swedish capital has made a new and ambitious commitment which, according to the latest measures it is already taking, is on track to achieve: becoming the first fully fossil-fuel-free city by 2050.

  1. Berlin, Germany

Lively, avant-garde and green: this is the German capital. Berlin is full of Parks and Gardens (about 2,500 in the urban area), more than any other European city. Since 1990, it has reduced its CO2 emissions by one third and is now committed to cutting them by 85% by 2050. In addition, many of its buildings use grey water to water the green roofs and encourage the circular economy, paying 0.25 euros for each plastic bottle that is recycled.

  1. San Francisco (California)

In a state surrounded by ocean, parks, and forests, San Francisco takes time to rise as one of the greenest cities of the United States, and also as an example to follow in terms of environmental policies. In fact, the city of Golden Gate has been leading water conservation plans for years, something almost essential in a place where long periods of drought abound. The reuse of rainwater or the use of grey water for various tasks is some of the most common practices. Now, precisely to reduce water consumption, the city is in a single phase of innovation.

  1. Portland (Oregon)

Portland residents, as well as coffee lovers, are also Guardians of the environment. In recent decades, more than 37,000 hectares of green spaces and nearly 120 kilometers of trails have made the city one of the greenest in North America. Thanks to the Sustainable City Government program, the city has managed to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels significantly and, since 2006, has reduced its greenhouse gas emissions by 46 percent.

  1. Vancouver (Canada)

The home town of the Greenpeace environmental organization, Vancouver has had a mentality geared towards protecting the environment for decades. Will it be the stunning coastal mountains that surround it or the Pacific Ocean that bathes it? Whatever it is, the Canadian city breathes clean and clean air through the use of hydraulic energy and other sources of sustainable origin. The city that has become the least CO2-emitting City on the American continent has 200 green spaces, in addition to the impressive Stanley Park, which, with 400 hectares, is the third largest urban park in North America. With the new Action Plan the greenest City, the city intends to stay at the head of urban sustainability.

  1. Helsinki (Finland)

At this point, we already know that the Scandinavian countries are pioneers in cleanliness and public order. As is the case in Amsterdam and Copenhagen, cycling and public transport are the two preferred alternatives to travel around the Finnish capital. Moreover, we cannot forget that its inhabitants are addicted to nature so that they care for and respect the environment as in any other country.

  1. Reykjavik (Iceland)

In addition to spearheading the list of safest cities, the capital of northernmost in the world with an extensive network of buses and hydrogen, the hot water, heating and electricity come entirely from geothermal sources and renewable energy electrical from the numerous natural sources of the territory Icelandic. The capital has also set out to stop using all types of fossil fuel by 2050, a goal they have almost already achieved: only 0.1% of the electricity they use in Iceland comes from fossil fuels, as they make the most of the island’s geothermal activity to generate energy.

  1. Cape Town, South Africa)

For a few years, Cape Town has been developing significant energy changes that have placed it at the head of African cities that are more and better for the environment. Surrounded by the Atlantic coast, and full of natural reserves, the city of South Africa has developed an efficient transport system, has built paths, urban bike, has driven supports local farmers and has begun to use the energy generated in the that is the first wind farm in the country.