
climate change

Our Leaders Just Don’t Get It!

Imagine England being run by Churchill today and Roosevelt sitting in the White House as they discuss our climate crisis.…

Apec leaders reach climate deal

Asia-Pacific leaders meeting in Sydney have agreed an “aspirational” goal to restrain the rise of greenhouse gas emissions to tackle…

GE forest trees — the ultimate threat?

Genetically modified (GM) forest trees do not attract the same immediate health concerns as GE food crops. But in reality,…

The Denial Industry

For years, a network of fake citizens’ groups and bogus scientific bodies has been claiming that the science of global…

A New Global Warming Stategy

Environmentalists are overlooking the fact that vegetarianism is the most effective tool to fight climate change in our lifetimes. Global…

The Top Ten Emerging Environmental Technologies

Wasteful energy policies, overuse of resources, water supply shortages, global climate change, and deforestation are just some of the issues…

Dry… or ice?

What you are about to read is going to change your world forever, this I can promise you. I actually…

Global Warming: Fact And Fiction

How do we know global warming is real? Who is responsible, and how can it be addressed? This article summarizes…

Steering away from ‘climate porn’

Alarmist language used to discuss the threat of global warming is tantamount to “climate porn”, offering a thrilling spectacle but…