

Our education system: How did we get here? Where are we going?

Not very long ago most of us were farmers, and our children helped in all aspects of farm work. In…

Children and TV – The Shocking Truth

For nearly half a century Joseph Chilton Pearce has been probing the mysteries of the human mind. Author of The…

Poisoning Generations: the Terror of Paediatric Medicine

By the time you reach the final page of this book you will understand its title and the fact that…

Beyond the school wall

Could this be the catalyst for the major change that we are all so desperately seeking in our ailing education…

Extended Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding beyond the first birthday is known as extended breastfeeding. Breastfeeding itself is a very emotive issue; it leaves many…

Superviruses and the epidemic of fear

A daily scan through the newspapers and TV news gives the impression that the entire world is constantly invaded by…

Should we open up schools for parents?

The education of parents needs to go hand-in-hand with the education of their children. They were all nodding their heads…

Violence and TV

One fact should not be in dispute: TV is violent! Guns, shootings, murders, hitting, punching, slapping, screaming, kicking, stabbing, explosions,…

Computers make kids dumb

A study of 100,000 pupils in 31 countries around the world has concluded that using computers makes kids dumb. Avoiding…


As an independant midwife practitioner I support the biologically destined method of giving birth, natural vaginal birth. This is not…