

Self-empowerment, spiritual mastery and inner peace

The word self-empowerment (whether spelt with or without a hyphen) does not appear in my laptop’s SA, US or UK…

Crop Circles in South Africa

Over centuries, people had discovered that the star gods sometimes communicated with human beings through these sacred fields. Time and…

My Near Death Experience

In 1982 I died from terminal cancer. The condition I had was inoperable, and any kind of chemotherapy they could…

Thre Great Awakening

The consciousness of this earth is currently undergoing a revolutionary change. It is a renaissance, an enlightenment, an awakening like…

An erotic ecology

I was dancing on an ancient silver rock. All around me, lovers were finding each other, coyly, boldly, laughingly. A…

The Altimarians are here

It is my pleasure and joy to announce that the 12 environmental scientists from the planet Altimar have now arrived…

Beliefs and Reality

The origins of Man, and why what goes round comes round… Where do we come from? Who made us? When?…

The union of Spirit and Science

I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of Love and Wisdom. More and more people ask “What…