The union of Spirit and Science

The union of Spirit and Science

I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of Love and Wisdom. More and more people ask “What is happening to this planet? In the year 2012, will everything come to an end?” Much of the information that has been written to date has manifested fear in people’s hearts and in their minds, because they do not understand that humanity as a collective consciousness can affect how the changes impact on your planet and all its inhabitants.

It is important that you understand that this kind of change has happened before. The planet has experienced polar shifts before. This is evident in history that has already been written.
It is also important to know that humanity, in this particular timeline, has an advantage which could in fact pose a problem, but with understanding, the problem can most certainly become the solution. The difference is that humanity has far more knowledge and far more intellect than the last time the planet went through this kind of shift.
Now if you observe the changes that have taken place within humanity’s consciousness over the past twenty-five years, you will notice that there has been a steady progression in the expansion of consciousness. The consciousness I speak of is that of awareness, where more light is coming in the form of awareness, knowledge and understanding. However, with this knowledge, more questions are arising, and with more questions come more answers, and with more answers, therefore, more questions. And so the process begins to mushroom into a whole new and even more profound level of consciousness.

Most of you are already aware of the fact that 10% of the earth’s population either controls or owns 90% of the earth’s resources. This is in itself a severe imbalance. Modern technology has unraveled the use of other forms of technology that you would not be able to begin to comprehend. You would honestly believe that it is a manifestation of some kind of science fiction novel or movie. But let me tell you, it exists. The researchers of your governments do not sit and play computer games all day. Serious research is conducted twenty-four hours of every single day, of every year. That research of technology has manifested in many levels of separation.

Three thousand kilometres beneath the earth there are immense changes happening as well.

The inner core of the earth is expanding. There are other core points of the earth that are cooling, which is also resulting in many of the weather changes upon your planet. All of this activity is for a purpose and has manifested as a result of certain actions.

It is important that we explain every aspect of this to you, so that you can see that it is a natural process and one that could not be avoided, because it is a part of the evolution of the planet as a being. And it may not need to manifest to the extent that it may manifest, if humanity as a consciousness can begin to pull together and live a more conscious lifestyle. So here we shall begin to speak more of what is happening to the earth, and then we shall move on to how humanity’s consciousness can contribute to supporting the changes as opposed to making them worse.

Of course it is important to know that the sun itself affects your planet and that the moon is undergoing shifts. Its magnetic field is also increasing. Now, as this is happening and the magnetic field on planet earth is decreasing, many things come into play. The impact of the lessening of the magnetic field on the human as a being is not entirely known as yet. We can, however, say that what humanity is currently experiencing within themselves is as a result of the weakening of the magnetic field.

One of the side effects of the weakening of the magnetic field is people having difficulty maintaining balance within their bodies energetically. It will also affect people in that they will have difficulty maintaining physical balance, not being able to, literally, stand up properly. Mood swings are another of the symptoms, and the emotional body becoming erratic and volatile in its expression, and in the person’s ability to try and maintain some level of balance. People may find that at times this is easy, and at other times extremely difficult.

This is why the masters and many other grand teachers have been stressing the importance of becoming more consciously aware of how your actions affect the planet. Blindly moving through life with absolutely no consideration for other forms of life has created problems. The ozone layer is becoming weaker. This you have known for a very long time, but what we have found is that still much of the human race has not grasped how serious this is. Much of the human race has not grasped it because they do not understand it. Why is this? Because humanity still – to a large extent – believes in separation and duality.

Now no-one can blame humans for thinking this because everything in your world confirms separation. If you are not united, as in physically joined, to a tree, to a flower, to an apple or a banana, to a monkey or your mother, then how on earth can you be ‘one’ with it? We say this because this is how many humans understand energy. Many people do not see the physical manifestations of Spirit, so if God is not dropping in for tea, (or any of the masters or angels) then how on earth can it be real, and how can you be one with it?

Therefore it is up to each and every single individual, through their own experience of manifesting unity, to guide others to understand the same.

If a person does not understand that using products which are full of chemicals is going to poison the earth, there is absolutely no reason for them to stop. But if people begin to understand that if you use products that poison mother earth, the seeds that you plant will produce poisonous food which will then be lacking in nutrients and vital minerals. Your cattle will begin to die, or even worse – they will produce young with deformities. Even children may be born with deformities. The lack of education regarding such subjects has become a problem, beloved ones.

Now moving out of rural consciousness and into suburban consciousness, there are even those whom we would consider more dangerous, who do the same thing. The difference is that they have more resources at their disposal to cause damage. Let us look at the major companies of the planet that are responsible for manufacturing damaging products which are poisoning the earth. One of the reasons why a stand is never taken is because the majority of society has absolutely no clue as to what is going on, but it is becoming evident by the impact that it is having upon your children.

For those of you who are becoming more and more sensitive, you are finding that your bodies are beginning to reject certain foods and certain drinks, and that you are reacting in an allergic manner to products used upon your bodies, and in your environments. All of these, beloved ones, are also red flags to show you that something is not working in harmony with the earth. What is being created and produced en masse is not for the good of the whole.

Now some people may think, “Oh my goodness, there’s someone else, another conspiracy theorist, running off at a tangent.” This has absolutely nothing to do with that. This is fact. And if anyone who wishes to take the time to research the archives of many research institutions, and many of the faculties in government, you will find hard evidence that this is in actual fact true. The more you know, the more tools you have at your disposal, beloved ones, to make changes.

To become more conscious, is to become more responsible.

The more responsible you are, the better the chances are that mother earth will be able to completely detoxify herself, and to bring her body back into balance. How do you think your body would be able to function if every single day you were pumping very dangerous poisons into your body? Add a little sprinkling of rat poison or a few of the ingredients of many of the detergents used to your salad dressing, and see what that does to your body.

This is what is happening to mother earth. She is being poisoned. This is also contributing to those shifts, because she as a body is also having to adapt and to support herself, in bringing her health back into balance.The whole modern movement in spiritual evolution is great cause for celebration, because even though all of this activity is taking place on a physical level, spiritually man is evolving at a rate that has not ever, ever been recorded in earth’s history. The combination of intellectual intelligence, coupled with the strengthening of emotional intelligence, is creating the integration of spiritual intelligence.

Beloved ones, without spiritual intelligence, one cannot be balanced. So physiologically humans have evolved, and intellectually humans have evolved, and those were the first two aspects of humanity’s evolution. And now the vital conclusion of that evolution into the golden age is the union of emotion and spirit.That union of emotion and spirit, brought into balance with the physiological process and the intellectual process, will bring all the elements together to allow the state of evolution and ascension that your planet is working towards, to happen. This manifests in the greatest blessing of all for your planet, and that is the marriage and union of spirit and science.Therefore it is very important for each person to understand the science within themselves, to understand that spirit animates each one of you, and that there is a science within that animation. It is important to understand that everything that has brought life as you know it into creation, was as a result of that fusion of spirit and science. One could not and cannot exist without the other, and growth cannot reach the full potential of expression and experience, without spirit and science together as one.So the spiritual movement – as it is becoming more commonly known at this time – is for a very, very valuable purpose, and all of you actively building platforms upon which to build your lives are the catalysts in creating the union between science and spirit.

Everything that is breaking down within governments and organised institutions and religion is a part of that process of bringing about deeper understanding and awareness, and expanding consciousness. This is so that people can feel empowered to individually and collectively stand up to the powers of lust, in order to bring balance back to the earth, and to bring balance back to life.

That balance will re-manifest itself as the process of evolution revolves through another spiral of geological expression and physiological ascension.Beloved ones, taking responsibility for your life as an individual, by imagining yourself as a planet, as a body of light within the solar system, you can begin to understand how important it is to take care of that planet, and in order for it to provide all of the resources required for all its inhabitants to function properly and in optimum energy. You can equate your planet to your own body, and the inhabitants of your planet, to your body’s organs and everything else that makes that planet tick. By taking full responsibility for ensuring that you know as much as you can possibly know about what your actions, your thoughts and your words do, the more you are able to contribute to the change. We are not speaking only of your physical actions, but of your internal reactions as well.So, the more spiritually aware you become, the more emotionally aware you become.

The more you learn, the more you understand, and the more you know. Share this with others. If you observe someone doing something out of ignorance, and you feel the moment presenting itself is apt for you to go forward and share that information with the so-called ignorant one, then go ahead and do it. For far too long people have retreated within themselves, not wanting to get involved. Lack of involvement has separated the majority of humanity from their spirit, from their heart and from their mind.

No-one wants to get involved.

No-one wants to take it upon themselves to truly walk their talk, to live that truth and to make the effort to find their authentic selves. Why? Because they might be judged, they might be criticised, they might be rejected for who they are and what they have to say. All the years of shutting up has manifested in what your earth is experiencing today. So beloved ones, the news for you is that it is time to come out of the closet, and to show your true colours.

The more people come out and speak about what they know, about what they have discovered and intuitively feel, and the more people research those intuitive feelings, those thoughts impressed on the mind, and find the evidence, the more people will sit up and listen. Many people have said, “I will only believe once I can see proof”.

Go and find that proof.