

Issue 14 Editorial

“Live simply, so that others can simply live…” It seems that this saying has never been more applicable than now,…

Issue 16 Editorial

“The mind is a house of questions, and the heart is a library of answers” We occasionally get letters from…

Issue 13 Editorial

A little boy came home from school and complained to his mother, ‘I’m not going back tomorrow. I can’t read…

Issue 2 Editorial

Well… here we are with the second issue! If we take into account the challenges we faced, it was accomplished…

Issue 25 Editorial

It’s another birthday issue, and it seems like yesterday that it was our 3rd birthday – the year has flown…

Issue 26 Editorial

My news year’s resolution is to try and strive for excellence in EVERY area of my life! This is quite…

Issue 28 Editorial

I was just checking the website of the SEXPO which has just visited SA, this is what the Cape Town…

Issue 27 Editorial

I have just returned from Jothy (meaning ‘Light’ in Sanskrit and pronounced ‘Jody’) Body of `Light Retreat. (See And…

Issue 3 Editorial

It has been a most exciting couple of months, as we have had so many extraordinary people contact us through…

Issue 11 Editorial

In this issue we have two articles about school related topics. They came from different sources and yet they are…