

A New Global Warming Stategy

Environmentalists are overlooking the fact that vegetarianism is the most effective tool to fight climate change in our lifetimes. Global…

Issue 25 Editorial

It’s another birthday issue, and it seems like yesterday that it was our 3rd birthday – the year has flown…

Dam Bad News

The controversial De Hoop Dam is seducing the people of the region with the promise of jobs and water. If…

Nuclear energy costs the Earth

Earthlife Africa, Cosatu, the Catholic Bishops Conference, the Environmental Justice Network Forum, the Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa…

Do Africans Dare Care About Animals?

Are animal rights the privileged domain of the world’s affluent nations? Dare we, in Africa, care about the well-being of…

Driving for change

You don’t have to start riding a tofu-powered lawn mower to help save the environment. There are plenty of simple…

One Year to save the Amazon

Time is running out for the Amazon rainforest. And the fate of the ‘lungs of the world’ will take your…

The Top Ten Emerging Environmental Technologies

Wasteful energy policies, overuse of resources, water supply shortages, global climate change, and deforestation are just some of the issues…

All for the sake of a tuna steak

Sea turtles have inhabited the Earth for over 100 million years. Now, as a result of harmful fishing practices, these…

Blatant Deception: Johnson’s® Baby Soothing Naturals™ Body Wash

Johnson & Johnson™ the well-known baby care brand have now come out with a range of what they are claiming…