

The global benefits of not eating meat

In the second half of the 20th Century, worldwide meat production increased roughly five-fold; per capita consumption more than doubled.…

Vegetarian Food

A vegetarian menu is a powerful and pleasurable way to achieve good health.The vegetarian eating pattern is based on a…

Compassionate Christmas

My wife Lynn and I have been vegans for approximately a decade, and vegetarians for much longer. We became vegetarians…

Chew on this: reasons to go vegetarian

Ethically, morally, for your health… there are many reasons to stop eating meat. Because heart disease begins in childhood Meat…

A New Global Warming Stategy

Environmentalists are overlooking the fact that vegetarianism is the most effective tool to fight climate change in our lifetimes. Global…

Liquid Green – The 5-Day Detox Feast

Here’s the simple and effective green juice-liquid feast that I started my year off with. Because of the liquidized soups…

So, you want to go vegetarian?

I’ve recently heard lots of people telling me how they’d like to try being a vegetarian but either they don’t…

An Allegience to Tofu

I am a vegetarian. I am also an atheist and a feminist. But of the three philosophies which largely inform…

Animal lives matter — so let’s stop eating them!

Non-human animals have many of the same feelings we do. They experience contagious joy and the deepest of grief, they…

Keeping you in the raw

In this issue, we’re going to tell you how to fix your car! Fix your car? And then we’re going…