
Issue 3

Forbidden Cures: Part Two

There are a number of alternative healing therapies that work so well and cost so little (compared to conventional treatment),…

Starting a vegetable garden

Statistics published in recent editions of community newspapers make the mind balk at the incredible volumes of waste generated by…

Debt, dependency and dicey economics

South Africa is the only country in Africa growing GE crops commercially. To our knowledge, it is the first place…

To save the world, change the way things are done!

Well! George Bush the lesser and his neo-conservative cronies have been given another 4 years to plunder, rape and over-exploit…

Genetically-Modified Food: the very antithesis of Slow Food

All genetically modified (GM) food crops presently grown around the world were devised to consolidate corporate control of the worlds…

Chew on this: reasons to go vegetarian

Ethically, morally, for your health… there are many reasons to stop eating meat. Because heart disease begins in childhood Meat…

Feeding the World slowly, ethically, sustainably

Our planet is facing many dangers. Her very survival is being threatened as we plunder and pollute her at a…

Issue 3 Editorial

It has been a most exciting couple of months, as we have had so many extraordinary people contact us through…

Unconventional power for an unconventional country

Life in rural Africa has never been easy. Living “out in the sticks” (as we comfortable city dwellers fondly call…

Vaccinations: Weapons of Mass Destruction

The basic truth that served as the foundation for the mountain of lies known as vaccinations was the observation that…