
Issue 20

One of a sect of vegetarians…

‘Vegan (n): one of a sect of vegetarians using no animal produce at all.’ That’s how Chambers Dictionary describes me…

The global benefits of not eating meat

In the second half of the 20th Century, worldwide meat production increased roughly five-fold; per capita consumption more than doubled.…

No to chocolate, yes to garlic!

In the previous edition of Biophile, my article “Holistic Pet Nutrition”, highlighted the nutritional and medicinal properties of herbs for…

Is modern medicine founded on error?

Modern medicine is firmly founded on the “Germ Theory of Disease,” promulgated by Louis Pasteur in the 1860s. Pasteur’s 140-year-old…

Issue 20 Editorial

I went for a short visit to Auroville, India this December as there is talk in the air about starting…


As an independant midwife practitioner I support the biologically destined method of giving birth, natural vaginal birth. This is not…

A Farm in the Kouga

So, spring caught us by surprise in this beautiful environment, not only with blazing hot weather, but also blossoms on…

An erotic ecology

I was dancing on an ancient silver rock. All around me, lovers were finding each other, coyly, boldly, laughingly. A…

Disempowering the unborn

Two years ago my eldest daughter gave birth to a baby boy (her third child). It was a classic home…

Animal lives matter — so let’s stop eating them!

Non-human animals have many of the same feelings we do. They experience contagious joy and the deepest of grief, they…