
Issue 17

Thes Sacred Act of living sustainably

The secret of sustaining life lies in the act of living sustain-ably: the sacred contract with nature that all life…

South Africa: I think of her and I stay

This place, South Africa, how do I describe what she means to me? There are days when my thoughts turn…

Refuting Gaia

It was the radical ecologist James Lovelock and his “Gaia Hypothesis”, which — in the mid-90s — persuaded me that…

Food from Trees: the Kei Apple

A bountiful crop of roundish, velvety, bright yellow fruits with thick succulent flesh carpeted the ground beneath a tree in…

Crop Circles in South Africa

Over centuries, people had discovered that the star gods sometimes communicated with human beings through these sacred fields. Time and…

Issue 17 Editorial

The 17th of July 2007 was an extraordinary day: the day when millions and millions of light workers around the…

Your healthy heart

Blaming cholesterol for atherosclerosis (hardening and thickening of arteries) makes as much sense as blaming paramedics for the carnage they…

News and inspiration from Soil for Life

It is Soil for Life’s mission to give poor and hungry people access to nutritious food which will allow them…

Raw Food Life: stop makingexcuses and start living!

The excuses… It’s too boring. It’s too difficult. It’s too cold. It takes too long. It’s antisocial. It’s fanatical It…

Fiddling with figures while the Earth burns

If you want to get some idea of what much of the Earth might look like in 50 years’ time…