
Soil For Life

Raw food diets

The topic of raw food diets is hot on many people’s lips these days. And, it’s not because of the…

Circle Gardens: a discovery par excellence!

Save water and increase production with a new way of gardening. I first read about ‘ecocircles’ (‘circles of cultivation’) in…

Starting a vegetable garden

Statistics published in recent editions of community newspapers make the mind balk at the incredible volumes of waste generated by…

Become a food gardener

More and more people are realising the importance of growing their own food. It’s not only about feeding the body…

Food from trees: the lemon tree

Along with other citrus fruits, the lemon (Citrus limon) is one of the most widely consumed fruits in the world…

Food from Trees: the Kei Apple

A bountiful crop of roundish, velvety, bright yellow fruits with thick succulent flesh carpeted the ground beneath a tree in…

Food from trees: marula

Perhaps one of the best known wild fruits of Africa come from the highly valued Marula (Maroela) tree – Sclerocarya…

It’s never too late to plant a tree

It’s Spring. The trees herald the change of season by bursting forth with their new foliage, many preceding the soft…

Edible Landscaping

Edible landscaping offers an alternative to conventional residential landscapes that are designed solely for ornamental purposes. Edible landscapes can be…

News and inspiration from Soil for Life

It is Soil for Life’s mission to give poor and hungry people access to nutritious food which will allow them…