
Energy and Fuels

Bio-energy: dream or nightmare?

The rush to produce bio-energy crops is alarming for biodiversity outside Europe too. Some of the most promising crops for…

Nigeria investing in solar energy to power rural communities

Nigeria’s government has just announced its intention to make another round of investments in solar energy to supply up to…

Nuclear energy costs the Earth

Earthlife Africa, Cosatu, the Catholic Bishops Conference, the Environmental Justice Network Forum, the Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa…

The Top Ten Emerging Environmental Technologies

Wasteful energy policies, overuse of resources, water supply shortages, global climate change, and deforestation are just some of the issues…

What you’re NOT supposed to know about nuclear power

On 25 June 2003, the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism gave Eskom the About the PBMR This demo nuclear…

Nuclear emissions

As a physician I see the extraordinary efforts that I and my colleagues pursue to save the lives of our…

Death threats, secrets and lies

Death threats, medical secrets, lies and payoffs are some of the menacing tactics power giant Eskom and nuclear fuel company…

Wind Energy could power all UK homes by 2020

The Brown government is set to unveil an ambitious proposal to build 7,000 new wind turbines off Britain’s coast by…


When my fuel gauge starts heading for the red, it’s not a petrol station I start looking for, but a…

Opposing Nuclear Energy

If South Africa is to step back from the brink of atomic war and nuclear destruction, we must embrace the…