

Building for our future

There is a quiet, but widespread movement towards an architecture which treads more lightly on the planet. It is our…

The Space We Are In

We live in a time of Hope, of change and of a new dawning of consciousness. Biophile aims to facilitate…

Your money or your life

If you’ve ever owed money to a bank, you’ll know it’s not a pleasant experience. Depending on whether they think…

Google hopes to undercut coal with cheap, renewable energy

By now, everyone is familiar with Google’s corporate motto, “Don’t be evil.” In an effort to spread that message of…

What you’re NOT supposed to know about nuclear power

On 25 June 2003, the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism gave Eskom the About the PBMR This demo nuclear…

The Hidden Truth About Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs (Part Two)

Statin drugs are the most widely sold prescription medicine in history: in 2004, Pfizer’s block-buster drug, Lipitor, became the first…

Biofuels could add to greenhouse gas emissions

A new paper suggests that biofuel production may be contributing to an increase in greenhouse gas emissions.The lead author and…

Bird family trees predict decline

A new genetic family tree of the UK’s birds may help predict which will see their populations decline in future.…

Creating a School of Possibilities

Education is not merely the acquisition of technical knowledge, but the understanding with sensitivity and intelligence of the whole challenge…

How to have a safer home

We all are concerned about our health and that of our family. We all tend to be concerned about the…