

Bio-energy: dream or nightmare?

The rush to produce bio-energy crops is alarming for biodiversity outside Europe too. Some of the most promising crops for…

Issue 2 Editorial

Well… here we are with the second issue! If we take into account the challenges we faced, it was accomplished…

What is Ayurveda?

The 5,000-year-old life science of Ayurveda still holds the power to mesmerize the world. International interest has led to a…

Adelaide Australia Will Soon Be Out Of Water

With gold nudging toward R8000 an ounce, can you imagine a time when water will be more valuable? “Australia’s biggest…

Making Compost

Most gardeners have long understood the value of this rich, dark, earthy material in improving the soil and creating a…

Environmental Group to take on Japanese Whalers

A group of militant environmentalists has pledged to harass and intimidate the Japanese whaling fleet that recently set sail on…

Job creation to help the environment

Ideas to simultaneously reduce greenhouse gas emissions, save foreign exchange and create many jobs Wouldn’t it be nice if some-body…

Nigeria investing in solar energy to power rural communities

Nigeria’s government has just announced its intention to make another round of investments in solar energy to supply up to…

The Denial Industry

For years, a network of fake citizens’ groups and bogus scientific bodies has been claiming that the science of global…

Genetic Warfare and Heavy Metals

We humans are certainly living at a defining moment in our history. Moreover this critical moment is being shaped by…