

All’s not well, down on the chicken farm

The poultry industry is one of the most wasteful and cruellest intensive farming industries. Millions of male chicks are thrown…

Antibacterial Silver

Silver – colloidal or ionic silver, silver in solution – is a potent antibacterial product. It has been demonstrated as…

Guiding Principles

What schooling experience would like to have had? What do you remember most from your schooling experience? What schooling experience…

Sea Ice in Its “Death Spiral”

After the ominous news that North American permafrost (and presumably European and Asian, as well) stores 60% more greenhouse gases…

The ABCs of health

This month’s raw food focus is about the ABC’s of health. We’ve been getting a lot of queries about candida…

A Farm in the Kouga

So, spring caught us by surprise in this beautiful environment, not only with blazing hot weather, but also blossoms on…

What do children wonder about?

As a teacher I was trained to provide children with correct and appropriate answers. And ironically it was not the…

The Octuplets and their Massive Carbon Footprint

When the news of the California octuplets hit the world, the first reaction was awe. When it came out that…

GM Crops Implicated in Honeybee Colony Collapse

As the disappearance of honeybees continues, researchers are trying desperately to discover the cause of Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD). General…

Acupuncture is Just as Effective Without Needles

Acupuncture works, but it appears to work equally well with or without needle penetration. This conclusion was drawn from a…