

Making Bacon: the shocking truth

Many people think of Charlotte’s Web and Babe when they imagine how pigs are raised for meat. Unfortunately, these Hollywood…

Arranging garbage: a Buddhist approach to compost

It was almost dark when I came upon the bobcat, walking alone on a steep overgrown trail far above the…

A World of Hemp

Optimizing the use of hemp would be a startlingly effective move. Many people do not grasp the range of benefits…

Say “No!” to the quill trade

Many years ago, the writer and wilderness advocate Laurens van der Post wrote poignantly that “We have to become once…

Electrical Sensitivity

I have worked for over 35 years as a nursing sister, midwife, practise nurse, in a war in the Middle…

GE forest trees — the ultimate threat?

Genetically modified (GM) forest trees do not attract the same immediate health concerns as GE food crops. But in reality,…

Violence and TV

One fact should not be in dispute: TV is violent! Guns, shootings, murders, hitting, punching, slapping, screaming, kicking, stabbing, explosions,…

Is it time to just live with climate change?

An article in this week’s Time magazine raises an interesting point about climate change. While there’s a growing consensus that…

Brazil seizes livestock to protect rainforest

In an unprecedented move against rogue cattle ranchers in the Amazon, the Brazilian government has seized livestock grazing there illegally,…

Climate Change Alters Ocean Chemistry

Stanford, CA— Researchers have discovered that the ocean’s chemical makeup is less stable and more greatly affected by climate change…