

Why Ritalin makes me MAD!

Saturday afternoon at the Wits Club in Jo’burg and Dr Shabeer Jeeva steps up to the microphone. The audience of…

Ocean Fish Farms Won’t Save Wild Fish & Can Easily Destroy Them

A new study in shows why and how ocean fish farms can hurt wild fish populations. Done by prof. Neil…

Japan sets out on Whale Hunt

Japanese whalers set out today on a quest to hunt more than 1000 whales, including 50 endangered humpback whales. A…

Children and horses: showing us the path to sanity

I was watching out of an upstairs window when I noticed that one of the horses in my neighbour’s paddock…

How to be a Greener Cloth Nappy User

There has been a lot of talk about cloth nappies lately and I have heard many people refer to some…

Job creation to help the environment

Ideas to simultaneously reduce greenhouse gas emissions, save foreign exchange and create many jobs Wouldn’t it be nice if some-body…

Boycott Coca-Cola

A former equity trader who made his fortune on Wall Street has created a hedge fund to attack The Coca-Cola…

The Shift is Happening Now

There are many quantifiable scientific indicators proving that the Earth and the Solar System are going through changes which have…

Threatened by the Sounds of War

A spotlight has recently been shone on the South African Navy’s underwater explosions in False Bay during the peak of…

Sheet Mulch Gardening: build your soil the ‘no work’ way

Sheet mulching (or composting) is the simplest, and least labour intensive, method of building the fertility of most soil types…