
The Genius Laboratory

The Genius Lab is a “playground for exploring the genius around you and inspiring the genius within you”, says Claire Janisch.

Fall in love again with the genius of nature, the magic of music, art, maths and science and find the patterns of genius that emerge in you.

Experience the healing power of play – opportunities to entangle with new ideas in your life.

Understand ways to live your dreams and understand the science that takes you there.

Experience a personal development and transformation journey that will change the course of your life.

You are invited to join the Genius Lab workshops with a focus on growing your ability to imagine a wonderful future, creating an abundant and stimulating life and stretching your mind around future fantastic sciences. It’s a concept of hope that springs from the question “What Now?”

At some of the most creative times in history, great minds were stimulated by learning the arts, great sciences and exploring nature. These workshops have been designed to inspire your own creative imagination, with a specific focus on your life. As Ervin Laszlo says, ‘The future is not to be predicted but created.’

The workshops include Claire’s extraordinary presentation on nature, ancient wisdom, modern science & new technologies and the concept of hope emerging in her view of the future. Many who have heard these talks have expressed interest in spending time, slowly unpacking it in practical ways. To do this, Claire has joined forces with the Drama Therapy experience of Amanda.

Amanda Gifford is one of the co-creators of the Genius Lab and is one of seven qualified Drama Therapists in the country. She completed her Masters in Drama Therapy at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco in 2003 (

Amanda’s work is an empowering combination of drama therapy methods including self revelatory theatre, developmental transformations, family constellations, psychodrama, mask work, embodied learning practices, and the science of conscious transformation through active imagination work.

Amanda writes: ‘From my perspective the Genius Lab is a place, a platform from which I can do my best work. I had a dream in San Francisco about four years ago, that I would be running a workshop with a woman where we would focus on simple concepts in quantum physics in an experimental workshop type setting.

This dream has come true in the birth of The Genius Lab in partnership with Claire Jansich. I have striven over the years since being introduced to quantum physics, neurobiology and other fabulous future sciences through my years of study at Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment, to find ways to integrate it into my work. I have finally come closer to my full expression through my collaboration with Claire.

Our workshops are a combination extraordinary presentation on nature, ancient wisdom, modern science and new technologies and to help you find a concept of hope emerging in your view of the future, as well as the artistic and creative theatrical skills, playfulness, intention, masks, and music to engage personal legend and story, plus imagineering and the use of magical stories and the latest research in science related to enhance and polish your journey of self mastery and to help you ‘digest’ the more hard core science.

With the fabulous elsewhere mind of a great wizard scientist such as Claire, we have a great team and are growing to include Imagineer , singer and songwriter, Oran Cohen and children stories author and poet Julie Beattie who also works in the health field at The Naturally Yours Health Centre owned by Chamilla Sanua who is a great supporter of the Genius Lab.

The Genius Lab is the right place for those who want a stimulating place for learning the connections between everything from the arts, to new science like zero point energy, imploding and exploding spirals of energy emanating from the quantum field, to chaos theory to music while exploring the nature of the universe and engaging the dialogues of how we impact our own lives and those of the planet.

The workshops we are offering at the Genius Lab, create an environment for outrageous and radical thoughts and ideas as a springboard for creation of hope for our beautiful earth and ourselves. “I think that our minds need a platform to be radical in, to regenerate. We are naturally geniuses and we have propensity for fantastic thought. We can birth the future fantastic, we just need an incubator for its survival,” Says Amanda.