
Summer detox

10 Day ayushakti fasting program

Fasting drink for pitta types
4 Cups water
2 Tsp. Cumin powder
2 Tsp. Coriander powder
20 Rose petals (approx. One whole rose) or 1tsp. Rose water
4 Cardamom
1 Tsp. Fennel seeds powder
1 Pinch asafoetida
4 Basil leaves
1 Pinch black pepper
½ Tsp. Ginger juice
Mix everything together in a pan and bring to the boil. Simmer gently for about 5 minutes, remove from the heat and keep it covered for a further 20 minutes. Filter and keep warm in a flask to drink regularly throughout the day.

Fasting drink for vata types
Use the same recipe as described above, but add 3 pinch ajwain powder and 1 tsp. Ginger powder.

Fasting drink for kapha types
2 Tsp. Ginger juice (squeeze the juice from a few slices of root ginger)
10 Basil leaves made into a juice
1 Pinch asafoetida
2 Pinch black pepper
1 Tsp. Cumin powder
3 Cups water

Mix everything together in a pan and bring to the boil. Simmer gently for about 5 minutes, remove from the heat and keep it covered for a further 20 minutes. Filter and keep warm in a flask to drink regularly throughout the day.
If you experience dryness in the mouth during the fast, just add half a teaspoon of liquorice root to the flask.

Siddha paste
Applying siddha paste around the navel once a day is an effective way to speed up the removal of intestinal blocks and toxic accumulations.

1 Small onion
½ Tsp. Dry ginger powder
½ Tsp. Ajwain powder
¼ Tsp. Black pepper
2-4 Cloves garlic
2 Pinch asafoetida
2 Tabs. Suhruday
2 Tabs. Anulom

Chop the onion and put it into a blender with the garlic and all the spices. Push everything through a sieve in order to make a fine paste. Crush the medicines and add to the pulp. Apply on the stomach all around the navel area and leave for at least 15 minutes.

This paste is also an excellent remedy to apply on any body part that is painful such as the lower back or on strained or aching joints, muscles and tendons.

Mand, peya and vilepi recipes
Mand, peya and vilepi are three types of khichadi. Khichadi is a special indian dish, which is very easy to digest, highly nutritious and, most importantly, it ignites the digestive fires. All three khichadis are prepared in the same way, but require different amounts of water. The amounts of water given below apply when cooking in a pressure cooker; more water should be added when cooking with a normal pan.

Mand:1 part rice, split mung and vegetables to 8 parts water.
Peya:1 part rice, split mung and vegetables to 6 parts water.
Vilepi:1 part rice, split mung and vegetables to 4 parts water.

Cooking instructions:
Soak the split mung beans for at least one hour before cooking. Heat ghee or olive oil in a pan and add cumin seeds. Then add some finely chopped onion, root ginger and garlic and sauté until golden brown. Stir in 1 tsp. Turmeric powder, ¼ tsp. Asafoetida, some black pepper, a few bay leaves, ½ tsp. Coriander powder and 1 tsp. Garam masala. At this stage don’t add salt as it makes the beans tougher, and they would therefore take longer to cook. Add to the pan ½ cup of rice, ¼ cup of mung beans and ¼ cup of chopped vegetables such as carrots, pumpkin, courgettes or asparagus.

Now add the required amount of water as stated above. In a normal pan you might need to add more water and cook for about 30 minutes, whereas in a pressure cooker it will cook within about five minutes after coming to pressure.

When the khichadi is ready, ie. The beans have dissolved and the rice has become completely soft and broken up, add a little salt and serve the dish with ghee and freshly chopped coriander leaves.
Mand should have a very watery consistency (blending it in a liquidizer helps to improve its flavour). Peya is like a thick soup and vilepi has a consistency similar to mashed potatoes. Use a thermos flask to take some soup with you when going to work.

Mung soup
Mung beans are less gas producing than other beans, remove toxins from the body and when cooked with the suggested spices, stimulate the digestive fire. Soak the mung beans either over night or for at least one hour before cooking. Heat olive oil or ghee in a pan and add a teaspoon of turmeric powder, 2 pinches asafoetida (to take the gas quality out of the beans) and two bay leaves. (All ingredients are available in any indian food store.) Discard the water from the soaked beans and add the beans into the pan with fresh water. To one part mung you need at least three to four parts water. Leave to bubble away for 30-40 minutes adding water as necessary. (If you have a pressure cooker the soup is cooked much quicker.)

Slowly the beans begin to soften and break up. Continue to cook until all the beans are soft.
While the beans are cooking heat some oil or ghee into another pan and add one heaped teaspoon of cumin and coriander seeds plus any other herbs or spices (except chilies) such as garam masala, black pepper, kokum etc. Sauté briefly and then add a finely chopped onion, some fresh root ginger and 2-3 cloves of garlic. Sauté until the onions turn golden brown and then remove from the heat.

Once the beans are soft add the onions and some salt into the pan and continue to simmer for a further few minutes. Don’t add salt until the end as this makes the beans tougher and they would therefore take longer to cook. Serve with rice, fresh coriander leaves and ghee.

Day1 : mung soup
Am: hot water with ghee
Fasting drink during day (make a thermos in morning)
Siddha paste on navel
Ayushakti herbs
Diet: mung soup (eat only when hungry and previous meal has digested)
Pm: ghee on temples and soles of feet before sleep

Day 2: mung soup
Am: hot water with ghee
Fasting drink during day (make a thermos in morning)
Siddha paste on navel
Ayushakti herbs
Diet: mung soup (eat only when hungry and previous meal has digested)
Pm: ghee on temples and soles of feet before sleep

Day 3: mung soup
Am: hot water with ghee
Fasting drink during day (make a thermos in morning)
Siddha paste on navel
Ayushakti herbs
Diet: mung soup (eat only when hungry and previous meal has digested)
Pm: ghee on temples and soles of feet before sleep

Day 4: total fast
Am: hot water with ghee
Take fasting drink during day (make a thermos in morning)
Siddha paste on navel
Ayushakti herbs
T o t a l f a s t
Pm: ghee on temples and soles of feet before sleep

Day 5: half day total fast
Am: hot water with ghee
Take fasting drink during day (make a thermos in morning)
Siddha paste on navel
Ayushakti herbs
Half day total fast
Diet: mand with spices but without ghee in evening (chew the soup!)
Pm: ghee on temples and soles of feet before sleep

Day 6: restoratitive diet day 1
Am: hot water with ghee
Take fasting drink during day (make a thermos in morning)
Siddha paste on navel
Ayushakti herbs
Diet: eat only mand with spices but without ghee today

Day 7: restoratitive diet day 2
Am: hot water with ghee
Take fasting drink during day (make a thermos in morning)
Siddha paste on navel
Ayushakti herbs
Diet: mung soup with ghee

Day 8: restoratitive diet day 3
Am: hot water with ghee
Take fasting drink during day (make a thermos in morning)
Siddha paste on navel
Ayushakti herbs
Diet: take peya with spices and ghee

Day 9: restoratitive diet day 4
Am: hot water with ghee
Take fasting drink during day (make a thermos in morning)
Siddha paste on navel
Ayushakti herbs
Diet: mung soup and rice with ghee

Day 10: restoratitive diet day 4
Am: hot water with ghee
Take fasting drink during day (make a thermos in morning)
Siddha paste on navel
Ayushakti herbs
Diet: mung soup with vegetables, rice and ghee
Nb: eat only when hungry!
Nb: for 10 days following follow panchakarma diet! No wheat, sugar, tomatoes, dairy products, potatoes, sour or fermented foods or meat. Follow panchakarma diet. Try to eat foods like just dal, rice and vegetables well spiced with ghee.