

Organics™ Shampoo for Normal Hair

A simple bottle of shampoo… a true reflection of the state of our society and culture, and our way of…

GM food and crops: what’s happening in South Africa?

An update on the state of GMOs in South Africa. Although the biotechnology industry would like us to believe that…

Issue 20 Editorial

I went for a short visit to Auroville, India this December as there is talk in the air about starting…

Toxic Valentine?

When you buy a gift for a loved one you don’t expect that it might come with a dose of…

Addicted to Big Energy

Eskom is preventing a shift towards renewable energy. South Africa is very “lucky” to have some of the cheapest electrical…

Inner Alchemy Journey

Egypt, land of the pyramids and pharaohs, mysterious tombs and temples, and more than 5,000 years of history. One of…


2008 has been declared “The Year of the Potato” by the UN General Assembly in honour of the vegetable people…

Why I Quit HIV

As I write this, in early 2006, we are more than twenty years into the AIDS era. Like many, a…

Largest debt-for-nature swap ever yields $26M for Costa Rica’s forests

The Nature Conservancy has brokered the largest debt-for-nature swap in history — a deal that will secure long-term, science-based conservation…

Behind farm gates

Raising animals for human consumption is nothing less than animal abuse Outrage and shock rippled through the ranks of South…