
Green Gardening

Circle Gardens: a discovery par excellence!

Save water and increase production with a new way of gardening. I first read about ‘ecocircles’ (‘circles of cultivation’) in…

Starting a vegetable garden

Statistics published in recent editions of community newspapers make the mind balk at the incredible volumes of waste generated by…

Become a food gardener

More and more people are realising the importance of growing their own food. It’s not only about feeding the body…

It’s never too late to plant a tree

It’s Spring. The trees herald the change of season by bursting forth with their new foliage, many preceding the soft…

Edible Landscaping

Edible landscaping offers an alternative to conventional residential landscapes that are designed solely for ornamental purposes. Edible landscapes can be…

Arranging garbage: a Buddhist approach to compost

It was almost dark when I came upon the bobcat, walking alone on a steep overgrown trail far above the…

Lunar Living: a guide to using the moon for gardening

One of the beauties of organic gardening is the following of natural seasons and patters of the earth and seasons…

Sheet Mulch Gardening: build your soil the ‘no work’ way

Sheet mulching (or composting) is the simplest, and least labour intensive, method of building the fertility of most soil types…

Making Compost

Most gardeners have long understood the value of this rich, dark, earthy material in improving the soil and creating a…

Your own food garden

The astronauts who first circled the Earth in their spacecraft likened our planet to a blue pearl in space. The…